The international community is at a crossroad in Libya . Two options emerge try to take out the snake head or simply protect the opposition. I am really not sure what limited involvement means? limited in political terms is a relative and vague adjective. Time is all what Qaddafi needs and want. He will do what a good Arab does barter his way back to full power. Play off tribes against each other and divide Libya . And we all know too well what chaos breeds?
My absolute favorite political expression is "Selective containment" by the British Prime Minister Cameron. I would rather Cameron choose the word Triage. “Ladies and gentlemen we are going to triage the situation in Libya .”
What would you do if you hire a termite company and the estimate had the title “Selective Containment”? Better yet, if you get diagnosed with cancer ( God Forbids)then an alternative medicine doctor tells you instead of removing the cancer before it spreads, we decided to do a “Selective containment”? Would you get a second opinion, I would…
The situation in Libya is a Gordian knot. Did history teach us how to solve a Gordian knot situation?
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