Sunday, November 21, 2010

Zanubiyah's message


NOTHING other than the Holy Qur'an speaks for all of Islam. We do not defend things that are not true, nor do we let ANYONE or ANYTHING define Islam or those who practice it other than the Holy Qur'an. We dont let the Pam Gellers, or Fox News define Islam, and we do not al Quid'a or Usama bin Laden define Islam.

In Islam we fight against oppression of ANY KIND. We do not define oppression by the ethnic group of the offender or the victim, nor his religion. We define oppession by the act. In other words, as Muslims we speak out against ALL oppression against ANYONE, for ANY REASON.

WE do not take PERSONAL responsibility for evil done in the name of Islam. WE condemn it without caveat. WE strongly encourage or brothers and sisters to learn the deen, so that they do not fall for the fitnah and kafirs pretending to represent us. When WE find evil amonst us, WE root it out, and turn them in to authorities. We do not coddle them, defend them, or otherwise support them. We do pray for them that they will find the truth, and we look inwardly at how WE failed them, and WE correct that failure within the ulmah.
“"We do not defend things that are not true, nor do we let ANYONE or ANYTHING define Islam or those who practice it other than the Holy Qur'an. We dont let the Pam Gellers, or Fox News define Islam, and we do not al Quid'a or Usama bin Laden define Islam."

-completely ridiculous. The interpretation you have of various quranic verses is based on ijma, the sum of centuries of subjective interpretation by conservative islamic scholars. Islam is defined by the opinions of men living hundreds of years ago.

In a way, I agree with you in the context of where you live. I do agree that we should join the fight against radicalism. ALL radicalism that hurts innocents.”

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